Election called for 18-19 May

Adam I, Editor

KIRKSTALL – His Imperial Majesty the Emperor used his annual Foundation Day speech at White Gold Palace on Saturday the 13th to announce the long-awaited general election, which will take place over the weekend of the 18th-19th of May. Three national councilors will be elected using the STV system, and according to its local laws, the province of Greater Tytannia will elect its own councilor on the same day, meaning that four out of six seats on the Ruling Council will be up for grabs.

Voters will go to the polls in a month’s time.

The Ruling Council has used the past week to wrap up its remaining business, and the Emperor formally dissolved XI Legislature and called the election earlier tonight. Elections in Adammia can take place a maximum of two years apart, but historically they have conventionally been annual. The last general election took place in November 2022, so in a sense this election is somewhat overdue. All full citizens over the age of 12 are eligible to stand and to vote.

The Liberal-Moderate Party conference is due to take place this weekend, where it will elect its top team to contest this election. The Express understands that the Prime Minister, Lord Charles Michael, will seek another term as party leader. Opposition to the Lib-Mods is still fairly scattered, and it remains to be seen whether a clear challenger will emerge.

In addition to announcing the election date, the Emperor used his Foundation Day speech to reflect on the past year, and to anticipate the changes that may come in the following year as a result of the Emperor’s expected purchase of his first home. Traditional Foundation Day activities took place at the Palace amongst a relatively small gathering of nine, such as the buffet, betting on the Grand National, and the Emperor’s Quiz. There were four quiz rounds, written by the Emperor, HG Lord Colonel Reginald Hall and Lord Andrew Hall, all of whom have been contributing rounds to the quiz for many years, alongside HIH Prince Jake, who hosted a round for the first time.

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