Election 2022: Interviews with the candidates

It’s election day! As is traditional, we have sent interview questions to the leaders of the main parties. So far we have only had a response from Lib-Mod acting leader Lord Michael, but we will add more to this post as we receive them.

Interview with Lord Charles Michael, Acting Leader of the Liberal-Moderate Party

1. You’ve just become acting leader of your party after the shock departure of Lord Green. What’s your take on all this? Is this a difficult time for the Lib-Mods?

Lord Green has done a lot of good work for this nation and I thank him for it. I cannot lie and say this isn’t a shock and a shame, but the Liberal Moderates have dealt with this before and we will again. However, we remain confident. We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing. The Liberal-Moderates, as ever, will persevere.

2. This is the first contested election in over two years. It’s clear that Adammia has a big problem with inactivity. What’s your plan to tackle this?

We hope the streamlining of our politics will help with inactivity. There shouldn’t be an expectation that every citizen must be a Minister of State – you should be able to feel the extent of your involvement in Adammic politics should be just to vote if you want to.

3. The Adammic economy has been through a lot of wild ups and downs due to its near total reliance on the financial sector. How will the Lib-Mods stabilise the economy and deliver a secure stream of income to fund future projects?

We’ve got a series of strong proposals to diversify where we’re concentrating economic policy – our manifesto has a more details of course, but it’s a policy that will be very collaborative. We’ll also be implementing a purely nominal land value tax, as land is the only real resource Adammia has and we should be ensuring our economy is practical and realistic.

4. A big part of Adammia’s unique identity is its culture, and we have a big showcase coming up next year with the tenth Foundation Day. What can we expect from this landmark event under a Lib-Mod government?

Foundation Day would be a big one for us – the biggest yet, huge, bigger than any of our predecessors. We plan to open Adammia to the all, a World’s Fair with invitations out to other world leaders – as well as to our own citizens of course! We hope that a big in person World’s Fair with merchandise that will help people remember and show off this nation proudly will drum up the patriotic fever we want to see.

5. In a nutshell, why should people vote Liberal-Moderate?

Strong and stable government. Simple as.

Interview with Lord James Green, Leader of the Radical Left Party

1. Your departure from the Lib-Mods was quite a bombshell. What caused you to leave and start a new party?

Joe and I have been discussing the need to reinvigorate Adammic politics for a while now and we came to the conclusion that the Lib Mods we’re not the vehicle needed to do that – holding onto power almost by default; and that was not the direction we wanted Adammia to continue down. The other parties in their history have shown their inability to tackle Adammia’s problems either, with the disastrous botanical coalition as evidence of that. We felt that our current parties left us were stuck between the options of stagnation and chaos. We chose a third way, a Radical way.

2. This is the first contested election in over two years. It’s clear that Adammia has a big problem with inactivity. What’s your plan to tackle this?

Our platform has at its core, the principle that radical solutions should not be discounted as unworkable without being even considered, the status-quo has led us into this mess and cannot lead us out. Beyond that principle, is an acknowledgement that the strongest times in Adammic history is when there has been a strong multipolar political environment. Gone are the days when it’s just “Lib Mods vs Others”. The Radicals acknowledge that and the rest of Adammia’s parties need to as well.

3. The Adammic economy has been through a lot of wild ups and downs due to its near total reliance on the financial sector. How will the Radical Left party stabilise the economy and deliver a secure stream of income to fund future projects?

The Radical programme for the economy again works on the principle that radical decisions are on the table. We’ve seen the uncertainty caused by reliance on market forces and we cannot continue to emulate this. Within a Radical budget we would direct for the diversification of our investments and the full implementation of the voluntary tax proposals that understandably took a backseat throughout this period of democratic crisis from which we are emerging.

4. A big part of Adammia’s unique identity is its culture, and we have a big showcase coming up next year with the tenth Foundation Day. What can we expect from this landmark event under a Radical Left government?

Adammia has a massive opportunity to celebrate its heritage this year and we in the Radical Left Party recognise this as such. Using this display to strengthen our ties with fellow micronations and bring together our own Adammic community in celebration and comradeship.

5. In a nutshell, why should people vote Radical Left?

Adammia’s political parties have gone stale. Same old same old Lib Mods or disorganised chaos under Storm and the Independents. Continuity or chaos are not the only options available – there is another way; a Radical path to a brighter tomorrow for Adammia and all of its citizenry!

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